
AI Level 4 course introduces machine learning using JavaScript, as participants make a transition from a block programming to text-based coding. Advanced level of Programming uses different recognition systems-images, sound, text and number. Students incorporate their projects using different Watson services like Watson assistant, visual recognition, speech to text and language translation etc.

SKU: STEM 40-1-1 Category:

Course Description

AI Level 4 course introduces machine learning using JavaScript, as participants make a transition from a block programming to text-based coding. Advanced level of Programming uses different recognition systems-images, sound, text and number. Students incorporate their projects using different Watson services like Watson assistant, visual recognition, speech to text and language translation etc. and visualize the output of their AI applications on a virtual simulator. They even learn to create AI chatbots which can understands natural language input by users and responds accordingly.
– 5 Days: 5 Hours session (60 mins. per day)
– 5 Innovative Activities Per batch

Learning Outcomes:
– Learn about AI with a new platform of coding using Java script.
– Smooth transition from block-based programming to text-based programming.
– Start with simple programs and advance to more complex programs to detect colors, tone, emotions, image, language, text, sound etc.
– Learn how Watson services and their API Keys influence in each projects.
– All topics are supports by coding activities and challenges.

Additional information

Artificial Intelligence - Junior - Level 04

April 2024, May 2024