Are your kids missing out on School Science Labs?
Study Science for Life, Not for Exams!
Try our HANDS-ON Virtual Science Labs
1000+ Experiments Available in self-paced or live lab sessions
Our collection of more than 1000+ hands-on, simulation and interactive video based activities engages students to explore, observe, and make connections. STEM Academy's science teachers hand-hold you through these engaging science and math experiments. Customized feedback guides students and let's teachers measure progress. With interactive videos, hands-on learning with sensors or interactive simulations, you'll have the best tool for data analysis and interpretation for engaging lab activities. Any science subject, anytime, anywhere.
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
- Benjamin Franklin
Simulation Based Virtual Labs
Interactive Video Based Virtual Labs
Virtual Labs
Physics Labs
Chemistry Labs
Math Lab
Biology Lab